About Research Teaching CV

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Department of Statistics
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA, 16802
Office: Thomas 319
E-mail: lebao@psu.edu

Le Bao


I am a Professor and Associate Head of Statistics and the Associate Director of Center for Advanced Data Assimilation and Predictability Techniques (ADAPT) at the The Pennsylvania State University. I received a Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Washington-Seattle (2011, Advisor: Adrian E. Raftery), an MS in Statistics at Dalhousie Univeristy (2005, Advisors: Hong Gu and Joseph Bielawski), and a BS in Financial Mathematics at Peking University. My hometown is Beijing in China.

My research is motivated by solving important real-world problems through developing and applying statistical methodologies. The research projects mainly cover the areas of public health and social science, such as HIV epidemics, COVID-19 epidemic, demographic research, marginalized populations, and air pollution. Inspired by those problems, I have developed novel statistical methodologies, including (1) Bayesian Models for Data Integration, (2) Fast Computing Algorithms for Dynamical Systems and Big Data, (3) Small Area Estimation Models for Health Inequality Problems, and (4) Diagnostics for Complicated Statistical Models. As the Principal Investigator, my research projects have been supported by UNAIDS, WHO, Global Fund, NIH, USAID, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

updated on Nov 28 2024